In 2006 carrying 30 years experience in the metal and mold manufacturing sector into lighting, playpen and street furniture manufacturing sector,D&B has proven its success in the sector by expanding machinery and production units and by signing major projects domestically and abroad.
With the factory established on the extendable area of 30 thousand square meters,which has 4500 m2 indoor and 3000 m2 outdoor production area; it makes production in four categories including aluminum, wood, metal and plastic.
Producing all products in the field of lighting poles,fittings,street furniture and children's playgrounds within the structure of its own,D&B ;in this wise both increases the quality criterion and gets the advantage of terms of cost.
Designing and producing with 100% domestic capital,D&B produces within the structure of its own all electronic, mechanical and industrial parts until the final stages.D&B as the one among the leading manufacturers of Turkey,receives power from young and dynamic staff, passion and respect for its work.
D&B,which aims to serve a high level of quality with decorative roads, street lighting poles and fittings, park, garden lighting poles and fittings, LED lighting poles and fittings,continues to design and produce according to need,long-lasting, reliable and useful products.